Sunday, March 29, 2009

Menu Plan-March 30

Last week was my first attempt at a menu plan. One of my commentors told me to be flexible, and boy, was she right! We had several unexpected things come up and I think I only made 2 of the items on my menu. Here's to week number 2!

Monday: Chicken alfredo over spaghetti noodles

Tuesday: Beef Enchiladas (already prepared in freezer)

Wednesday: Pasta Meatball Soup (using homemade meatballs from freezer)

Thursday: Roast, potatoes, carrots in the crockpot

Friday: Homemade pizza

Saturday: Leftovers? We'll see!

What's on your menu this week? Check out Menu Plan Monday at Organizing Junkie for ideas!


  1. that pasta meatball soup looks great! hope you have a wonderful week.

  2. I'm new, so taking that "flexible" comment to heart. i look forward to seeing what you'll be fixing!


I love to hear what you think! It makes my day!